Your sick and twisted! Funny though
Your sick and twisted! Funny though
Funny as an obese women choking on an omellette!
Funny stuff
Whats with all the DBZ shit?
Please don't make anymore DBZ movies! Theres to many DBZ parodys on NG! This movie was good and I voted 5 but Im sick of all the DBZ shit! The only DBZ parody thats funny is Eskimo bob Z!
I found it funny how u just cut out 4 no reason! lol
U get a 10 in sound cos u didn't use god damn sprites!
Well thanks atleast there is someone who isnt blaming the credit part
Where did you steal those graphics? Your you make them yourself?
Poser 4, that's all I'll say.
Thanks for voting, Demon_clock!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 5.23 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 8% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 5.65 votes!
The more experience points you have combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 3.01!
Tell me the name of that song and I will vote 5 on this everyday for a week!
Don't tell me in the next 12 days and I will blam this everyday for a week! your choice!
Age 94, Male
Sucking and Fucking
The Circus
Joined on 5/1/03