Best thing you ever made! Whats next? Titti shit his pants! hahahaahah
Best thing you ever made! Whats next? Titti shit his pants! hahahaahah
Do not obey IllWillPress! Fag! lol
lol, thanks for the review demonclock!
:O Knox never reviews my stuff! >:(
Wow you pump these things out faster then a diorria!
I think you should edit your voice acting. The high voice does mess it up a bit. If you get a wave editing program you can make your voice files a bit deeper. Also lay off the webcam movies. Make some proper animation lol. You can do it.
ps Get a haircut
Thanxs!I will neva cut my hair!
You used my Evil Demon design.
Damn Pimps! How many are there!?
oh many, many more! sounds like its time for a war movie
But You should change the name since PC also stands for penis clock
i'm glad you liked it, i find the way your fla is designed makes for a much better action hero rather than jasonclock.
NOOOOOOOOOO!!! October 19, 2003
Reviewed by: cannibus_clock Overall rating: 10
I wasn't in it...
Oh well, it kicked ass!
Graphics: 10 Sound: 10 Interactivity: 10 Style: 10 Violence: 10 Humor: 10
SHUT UP CANNIBUS AND ADMIRE THE MOVIE! Your famous enough as it is. jk
Thanks for your gracious review! I agree with cannibus... lol he is already famous for his godly pube muppet movies. Thanks demonclock, and cannibus I hope you arent too jealous cuz u will be in the next one!!
Age 94, Male
Sucking and Fucking
The Circus
Joined on 5/1/03